Psalm 100 is a psalm that children can understand.
Here is a Bible verse that actually tells them to make noise!
This week, appreciate the joyfulness that comes naturally to many children.
Have fun joyfully worshipping and praising God together
The word worship means to show reverence and adoration for. When we worship God, we offer our thanksgiving, our love, our adoration, and our praise to God. Worship also allows us to take time from our hectic schedules to center on God and God’s great love. Worship does not have to be done in a church setting. You can take time wherever you are to worship God. When we worship, we use our hearts, minds, and, yes, we can use our bodies too! Think of liturgical dance.
A Call to Worship
The Book of Psalms is a collection of sacred songs or hymns. People of God have sung songs to God in worship since biblical times. Psalm 100 is one of the best-known psalms in the Bible. The psalm starts with our Bible verse for this month, “Shout triumphantly to the Lord, all the earth!”
Explain to the children what the Psalms are and where they can be found in the Bible. Let them know that the Psalms were a way for biblical people to express their emotions of sadness, fear, and anger, as well as joy and praise. Let them know that worship can be loud and noisy or quiet and peaceful.
There are many ways to worship God. Point out to the children acts of worship, such as giving an offering, being present by marking your attendance, singing, praying, and being thankful.
Think of the many ways you have worshipped in the past. Was there a worship experience where you felt closest to God?
Take time each day this week to spend time in worship. It can be singing praise to God or silently praying.
God loves our adoration whenever and wherever we give it.