3rd Grade Bibles

Third Graders – mark your calendar for September 20 when you will be presented with a special Bible.  
We love the tradition of giving all of our 3rd graders a Bible to use in Sunday School, worship, and at home.  Although this year will be a little different, we will still be presenting them in a special way.


August 23 Sunday School

Today’s Bible story is about the apostle Paul. Everywhere Paul went, he searched for opportunities to preach and share the good news. Paul’s news wasn’t always welcome, however. During Paul’s conversion experience, God told Ananias that Paul would have to suffer and sometimes he did. In this week’s Bible story, we read about one of the multiple times Paul was put in prison.
Paul was thrown into prison for healing a slave woman. While healing a woman sounds like a good thing to do, especially for the woman concerned, the woman’s owners were not pleased. Once the slave woman was healed, they were no longer able to use the woman as a fortune-teller to make money for them. The owners’ indignation with Paul and Silas was mitigated by greed.
The experience of Paul and Silas in prison illustrates Paul’s zealousness in spreading the good news. While Paul and Silas were in prison, they passed their time by singing songs and praising God. There was an earthquake that opened the prison doors and broke their chains. Presented with an opportunity to escape, Paul and Silas instead stayed and witnessed to the jailer.
It might be tempting to applaud Paul’s efforts, then sit back and assume that the work of spreading the good news is done.
However, there are still people today who need to hear this good news–the news that Jesus is alive and that God loves them.
Paul and Silas were not singing and praising God because they were in jail, but because they believed God was with them in jail. They believed that God was with them in good times and bad times. We believe that God is with us in good and bad times also. It is OK to praise God in the hard times as well as the good.
Paul and Silas could see only a part of what God was doing in their situation. They chose to praise God anyway, with surprising results. We, too, can choose to praise God in our dark moments.
What difficulty do you face? Pray that God will help you sing praise in difficult times.
Fellowship with others and education were central to Paul’s ministry of encouragement and spreading the good news. When we gather together as a community of faith for worship and Sunday school, we are recognizing what Paul knew—that for the church to grow and thrive, people need to meet together and learn about God. When we invite others to join us at church, we are helping spread the good news of Jesus.


August 16th Sunday school Lesson- A Temple for God

Worship with us this Sunday!
Our lesson on Solomon building the temple and gathering God’s people together for worship reminds us that gathering together to praise and honor God through worship is an important aspect of living as Christians.

We teach our children that God is a personal God. We each can have a personal relationship with God. Each person can talk to God directly whenever and wherever he or she chooses. We also teach our children that God is everywhere. From a very young age, children are told that everywhere they go, God is there too. We believe all of these things to be true, and it is important to teach these lessons to our children. However, there is more to the story. Having a personal relationship with God is essential. It is equally important to experience God in the midst of a community. Worshiping God alongside other people is a necessary element of living as Christians. When we come together as God’s people, we feel God’s presence in a special way. We experience God’s love in and through other people and we allow them the opportunity to experience God through us. As we care for and love each other, and work together to care for and love others, we gain a glimpse of God’s kingdom.

Bible Stories for all ages
Family Faith Activities
Activity Sheets
August 16th Lesson

King David’s son, Solomon, became king after King David died. One of the first actions King Solomon took was to build the temple that his father, King David, had always meant to build. The temple took seven years to build. The Bible gives a detailed description of the dimensions and layout of the temple, similar to the description given for the Tabernacle. The temple took a massive workforce and lots of money. King Solomon bartered with Hiram to obtain the items needed to complete the temple. The completion of the temple was marked by fourteen days of celebration.
The temple was known as Solomon’s Temple. It was built to serve as a concrete reminder of God’s presence with the people. The special chest was placed in the inner sanctuary of the temple. Every church that is built serves as a reminder that God is present among God’s people.
Young children are concrete thinkers and may think that God only lived in a temple or church. Be sure to let the children know that God doesn’t live in any one place. God is everywhere and always with us. The temple for the people of Israel is like the church for us. It is a reminder of God’s constant presence and constant love.
God wants us to come into the church for worship and praise. God wants us to remember we are people of God, and gather together at the church to love God and each other. God also wants us to go into the world, outside of the church, and share God’s love with others. God wants us to live our lives in the world faithfully and fully for God.
How do you share God’s love with others in your everyday life?