There is always so much exciting work going on in our church, it’s hard for your staff to keep up sometimes!
We need your help to make sure all your great work, new classes, volunteer opportunities, and big announcements show up where they need to. Please use the forms below to send us information for the website and our newsletter.
Click here to share something that you’d like to run in The Echo – our church Newsletter. Is your small group starting a new study? A new mission focus? Are you collecting materials or donations? Do you know a church member who is having a big birthday or anniversary? All of those things can go in The Echo! On this form, you can also request that your news be shared in the Bulletin, in the slideshow before worship, and on our News + Events page.
Prayer requests go in The Echo, too. Please share them here.
We try to keep all our pages on the website up to date, but we sometimes need a little help! If you have information from your small group, class, or ministry area that needs to be added, edited, or updated, please use this form to let us know.
Or you can just let us know you found a typo!