In-person Children’s Sunday School is available at 10:05 am. We’re excited to see you! We have self check-in stations for you to register your child downstairs at the Nursery desk and upstairs at the Kids Zone. We will have staff available to help you! We also have a wonderful Nursery available. We also have a Special Needs ministry team available during Children’s Ministry events.
We also offer Children’s Choir at 9am! We’d love to make sure your entire family is connected on Sundays at First Methodist. Email us if you have questions.
Below you’ll find info on our monthly events and resources every week for Sunday School at Home. Make sure that you are signed up for our newsletter and that you’re following our Facebook page for more information and pictures.
Tot Time
Parents and tots aged birth to preschool are invited to gather for playtime and fellowship Tuesday mornings at 9:15AM. They will meet in the Nursery: room E165.
Winter Calendar
1/12 11:15- Children’s Council meeting
1/12 First Kids-Scavenger Hunt from 5-7pm Sign up here!
1/26 Bible Blasters #5/ M & M Kids-Game Night from 5-7pm. Sign up here!
2/2 First Kids- Music with Pastor Macie and Mr. Jordan from 5-7pm. Sign up here!
2/13 7:00 Wonderfully Made Parents meeting
2/14 Parents’ Night Out RSVP HERE!
2/15 9am to 4pm Wonderfully Made. Learn more and sign up here!
2/23 Bible Blasters #6/ M & M Kids from 5-7pm -Karaoke
3/9 First Kids- Pizza with the Pastors from 5-7pm. Sign up here!
3/23 Bible Blasters #7/ M & M Kids- Bible Journaling from 5-7pm. Sign up here!
Parents’ Night Out
This event will be Friday, February 14 from 5pm-8pm, and is open to all children ages birth-5th grade. Dinner will be provided, but please bring a labeled water bottle with water only for your children.
This event will be $25 for 1 child, $40 for 2 children and $45 for 3+ children. Scholarships are available, if needed. Please contact Ashley Lehman for more information. RSVP HERE!
Summer Camp!
It’s time to sign up for Bridgeport Camp C2 (July 7-11) for current 3rd through 5th graders. Space is limited, and cost goes up at the end of January. Email Ms. Cheridy when you sign up. We will have a camper meeting in June for campers and parents.
It is a special act of worship to bring the light of Christ! We are looking for elementary through 6th Graders to acolyte on Sunday mornings. Sign up here.

Click here to go to our Family Resources page. This has articles and information about trauma and helping children and families with difficult topics. We always have pastors available if needed. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything.

Use the links below to sign up to volunteer, register for events, and fill out forms!
Can’t make it to Sunday School? Want to keep working on the lesson throughout the week? Click here for our Sunday School @ Home page. You’ll find activities, stories, and more!
You can make a donation to support the events, missions, and kids at First Methodist McKinney. CLICK HERE to give securely through our portal. You can put a memo if there is something specific you’d like to support (like Night in Bethlehem, or VBS). We appreciate your generosity!