2022 Church-wide Lent Devotional…help make it happen!

- Select a scripture you want others to reflect on.
- Write a short story or devotional related to the scripture. (12 sentences, give or take)
- Write one or two thought provoking or reflection questions for the reader to consider.
- Submit writing by 5:00pm on Monday, February 21. CLICK HERE
Your writing will be collected, edited, and added with others for a combined 40 day Lent devotional, which will be available online and in print. Your first name and the first letter of your last name will be included with your submitted devotional. Please consider writing your devotional around this year’s theme, however, you may write about anything you choose.
DEVOTED is this year’s Lenten focus, and the key scripture is Acts 2:42-47. Week one we will focus on worship and the breaking of bread. Week two centers on the teachings of Jesus. Week three is about fellowship and living life together as Christ’s disciples. Week four considers what is means to live generous and give to anyone who is in need. Week five is all about demonstrating God’s goodness through outreach and a welcoming witness.
If you have questions, please contact Abe Smith: asmith@sharingtheart.org