Faith in Action is a discussion and action group, open to all, that focuses on justice and advocacy issues from a faith-based perspective.
We are people of faith, seeking justice, bearing witness to the inclusive love of God. We advocate for our neighbors with the hope of reconciliation and restoration of human dignity. While we are concerned about justice issues across the spectrum, our group is currently focused on:
- advocacy for those experiencing homelessness
- racial justice
- justice for our immigrant neighbors
- LGBTQIA+ equality
Due to the nature of our mission, we may discuss policies we would like to see changed or implemented in our community; however, our group does NOT discuss partisan politics. We hope you will join us on this journey.
Faith in Action meets Sundays at 9 am, Room C215 and on Zoom
Follow our blog:
God’s Redemption and Transformation – Book Study – From Homeless and Hungry to Wholeness and Helping

Email FaithInActionMcKinney@gmail.com for Zoom Link.
Week 1 – October 18 – 9AM – We begin our journey with Yvette in Chapters 1 and 2. We discover how she became homeless and how one kind interaction began the journey toward healing. One small gesture can make a huge difference!
Week 2 – October 25 – 9AM – This week we will be learning how the current pastoral staff of The Roadside Church, Barry and RaNea Card, started this ministry. They will share their journey how God works in their lives and continues to open doors. Their story is very similar to Yvette Carters from chapter 3.
Week 3 – November 1 – 9AM – Our next chapter is talking about what is Food Insecure VS Food Stable. This week we will be talking with Pam Parmley who has always had a passion for helping feed those that are in need. She has led our ongoing food program “Feeding Friends and Family” working alongside Community Lifeline Center.
Week 4 – November 8 – 9AM – Our chapter is Helping the Outcast our guest this week is Paul Ballesteros from the organization Emmanuel Labor. Their motto is “LOVEtheONEinFRONTofYOU”. Paul will share the importance of acceptance and relationship. His organization works to remove the Lessness from homelessness.
Week 5 – November 15 – 9AM – This week we will be learning about the ministry of Steetside Showers with Lance Olinski. Lance has a deep passion to provide showers to those in need. To bring dignity to one person at a time. This ties into our 6th chapter The Growth and Ministry of Open Arms.
Week 6 – November 22 – 9AM – We will conclude our book with Final Thoughts. This book shows us that each of us can spread the Love of Jesus Christ even in small gestures. Make it a goal this week to be mindful of each gesture you do no matter how small.
Faith In Action Book of Amos Bible Study

In a time of prosperity and peace, fortune and success, the prophet Amos was called to speak a bold prophetic word to the nation of Israel. “Let justice roll down like waters!” (Amos 5:24). Many have heard this phrase, but what does it actually mean? We will explore what the prophet has to say about God’s justice in society.
Faith In Action will begin a 4-week study of the book of Amos on Sunday, September 13th. This study is drop-in friendly; all you need is your Bible. The study will take place Sunday mornings at 9:00am online via Zoom. For more information and the Zoom link, email: FaithInActionMckinney@gmail.com
Leader: Faith In Action
Sundays 09/13/20-10/04/20 at 9:00am
Contact: FaithInActionMcKinney@gmail.com