Youth Stock Sales (880 × 186 px)

When people participate in mission, lives are changed. The lives of those being helped and the lives of those that are helping all receive a blessing from God. This is why mission is so important to the youth of First United Methodist Church of McKinney. We participate not only in local service projects but also in summer mission trips and summer camps throughout our state. And because of your support through stock sales, these trips are much more affordable for our youth.
During spring break, we will be heading to Oklahoma for mission in Gore and Tahlequah and in the summer we will be on our way to Gainesville with an organization called UMARMY (United Methodist Action Reach-out Mission by Youth). Both weeks will be serving the disadvantaged populations of those communities. Through our presence and hard work we hope to display the grace and love of God. The youth will also be growing in their relationship with Christ at Bridgeport Camps throughout the summer. 
By purchasing shares of stock, you are indeed participating in mission with us. Please be assured that all proceeds from the stock sale will be used for our summer mission trips and mission projects in our own community throughout the year. Remember, you can always expect big returns when you invest in our youth.
Each share of stock is $25 and you can purchase as many as you feel lead to. You can give by clicking the button below, by texting Sharingtheheart stock to 73256 or writing a check with “Youth Stocks” on the memo line.