Sanctuary Serve Opportunities

There are many ways to participate in preparing for and supporting worship! You can serve as an usher on the Sundays you choose, provide helping hands to set up or serve Communion, and help prepare the worship space. With multiple Sunday morning services, our teams are vital for making worship happen. Join us!

Ways to Serve:

  • Usher: Greet and welcome people to worship, assist with seating people, collect the offering, and assist people as needed during worship. Prepare the sanctuary for the service, attend to worship needs, and help get the sanctuary ready for the next service.
  • Communion Preparation: Prepare the juice and bread for Holy Communion, set up and clean up after.
  • Communion Server: Assist the pastors in serving Holy Communion.
  • Altar Preparation (Altar Guild): Set up the altar for worship setting linens, candles, baptismal font, offering plates, etc., in place
  • Pew Rack Prepper: Straighten and replenish the materials in the pew racks.
  • Seasonal Decorations: Prepare the sanctuary decor for Easter and Christmas and special occasions. You can volunteer to be a part of the planning and/or help with putting up the decor.
For more information about serving in Worship Ministries for Sanctuary Traditional Worship, contact Rev. Janet Cavalier,, 972-562-8556, ext 2008.
Explore sharingtheheart/Serve for the many opportunities to serve in ministries within the church and in missions and to submit the Service Interest form.