We are an Easter people. The mystery of the resurrection, the ultimate triumph of love over death, has been at the heart of our faith for two thousand years. We will celebrate Holy Week and Easter together with opportunities to worship online and in-person.
Looking for information about Easter Egg hunts, Lenten Bible Studies, or other events leading up to Holy Week? You can find them on our Lent Page!
Are you a first-time visitor? We would love to greet you! Let Kathy know you’re coming. You can also check out the Plan Your Visit page to learn more about what to expect.
We also have our HEART Special Needs Ministry team available with a sensory room and sensory bags in worship areas if needed.

We need your help! Easter Sunday is going to be a big day, and it won’t happen without volunteers. From holding open doors to following up with first-time visitors, there is so much that needs to be done. Please fill out our Easter Volunteer Form! For more information, email Kathy.

Palm Sunday – March 24
Hosanna! We will celebrate Palm Sunday with our normal Sunday worship schedule: Sanctuary at 8:00, 9:00, 10:05, and 11:10, Wellspring at 10:05 and 11:10.
Worship online with us at 10:05 for Sanctuary and 10:05 and 11:10 for Wellspring.
Children are invited to wave palm branches at the beginning of the 9:00, 10:05, and 11:10 services. Meet Ms. Cheridy by the front desk before the service.

Maundy Thursday – March 28
Maundy Thursday is the day we remember the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles.
Sanctuary Service: We will gather for worship and communion at 6:30 in the Sanctuary and online. Please have communion elements ready if you are joining from home.
Wellspring Service: Join the Wellspring Worship Band and the Youth as they present an immersive Maundy Thursday worship experience with communion at 7:00 in Dyer Hall and online.

Good Friday – March 29
On Good Friday, we gather together to remember Christ’s crucifixion through prayer, music, and scripture reading.
Worship will be held at noon in the Sanctuary and online.
Choir Service at 6:30 in the Sanctuary and online: the Chancel Choir and guest organist Joshua Boyd will present Morten Lauridsen’s Lux Aeterna (Light Eternal). Watch the recording here!
Following each service, Pastor James will lead a Stations of the Cross devotional (see below).

Stations of the Cross – March 29
The Stations of the Cross are a Christian devotion that commemorates the final 24 hours of Christ’s passion and death.
We will gather under the bell tower immediately following the noon and 6:30 Good Friday services, walking to 14 locations around the church grounds and explore a brief liturgy for each station.
You can also experience this pilgrimage on your own through our virtual “walk” through the stations that includes visual depictions of each scene. It is available any time here.

Easter Sunrise Service – March 31
Join us early on Sunday to bring in Easter with rejoicing!
We will gather at 7 am behind The Hub (our youth building across the street) for a beautiful outdoor service. Communion will be served.
Let’s come together to celebrate our risen Lord!

Easter Sunday – March 31
He is risen, indeed! Gather with us to witness to the resurrection at our normal Sunday worship times. Sanctuary at 8:00, 9:00, 10:05, and 11:10, Wellspring at 10:05 and 11:10. Nursery is available.
Worship online with us at 10:05 for Sanctuary and 11:10 for Wellspring.
NOTE: No Sunday School for children, youth, or adults.